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At home, in a pool and using hypobirthing


Updated: Sep 7, 2022

My husband and I attended hypnobirthing sessions with Karis. We found them invaluable, alongside the book and hypnobirthing tracks.

I had a home birth and our baby boy (second child) was born in a birthing pool. Focusing on my breathing and key words from the mantras (as well as thinking about how I wanted the environment around me) helped me to feel calm and I think helped the birth to progress quickly. I felt focused and in control and I breathed my baby out without the need for medical intervention.

Visualising what my body was doing during the surges helped them to feel less intense and more manageable. I focused on relaxing my body and I thought about the best positions for birthing. When I did have moments of doubt I brought my attention back to my breathe and re focused. Our son was born calm and quiet (and continues to be).

I don't think we would have thought about a home birth or a water birth or a natural third stage if it hadn't been for meeting Karis and her helping us to become more aware of the benefits of these.

Our experience of hypnobirthing has been really positive and we can't recommend it enough! It helped during pregnancy, as well as at the birth.

Thank you Karis and thank you hypnobirthing.

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